Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So I was perusing my political commentary on Helium.com

and came upon this article that I wrote a few months ago. It's all about Gallup polls, the inherent fallacy in the idea of polls reflecting national attitudes, the purpose and objective and agenda of media, and a little more.

So click, read, and have fun. If you'd like to argue, I welcome it and invite you to comment.


Monday, August 11, 2008

This is falling-down funny.

Here's a link to an article on www.theonion.com, which, if you don't know, is a great website full of important news.



I just finished John Adams, by David McCullough

and my sensibilities have yet to recover. As an American who avoids party spirit and gives in to cynical diatribes far too often, I feel renewed and revitalized. My party is the United States of America.

What an eye-opening book. John Adams embodied what we see as an American citizen. Flawed, eccentric, intelligent, a voracious reader and student, determined, and quintessentially American, this man deserves recognition as the man who saved this country multiple times.

Read this book. Read it and weep.

Eat that!

I don't know, I get all nationalistic and stuff during the Olympics so maybe I shouldn't watch them. But I can't help it!

I am embedding this video from one on YouTube, and the quality ain't great. There is a link to the better version on MSNBC below. What you need to do is listen closely to those faithless announcers and then listen to them go nutzo. Also, watch Lezak dig deep, way deep, as he takes the win. His rhythm changes as he goes for it. It's remarkable.

Can you believe it? What an amazing American Swim Team performance. The Olympics are the setting of remarkable things, which sometimes repeat history. The French said, "We will smash America."

Yeah, just like John Adams did, we kept quiet and then showed them that we weren't finished.

Here's the better quality link.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Raise your hand

if you want to know what this country was founded on. What drove our Founding Fathers to what they did for us.

I quote from John Adams by David McCullough:

"One day, as [Adams] and Benjamin Rush sat together in Congress, Rush asked Adams in a whisper if he thought America would succeed in the struggle. 'Yes,' Adams replied, 'if we fear God and repent our sins.'"

Marvelous. It gives me tingles.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Laugh all you want

and with good reason, but I freely admit I like this song. The video deepens its cheesiness, but the fact is that I like it. It's like Ebert's review of the latest Mummy movie, as well as of the first one. You know you probably shouldn't like it, but you do.

So enjoy it or not. Or just skip it.

This is Busta Rhymes and Linkin Park doing "We Made It."