Friday, September 26, 2008

We all knew they were somewhat batty

but PETA has really now left now doubt that they are complete imbecilen. (Get the Brian Regan reference?) It's like that old saying: It's better to remain silent and have people wonder if you're a fool than to speak and leave no doubt.

Check this out. Pass it on. Laugh your heinie off.

Those PETA people have, in any thinking person's worldview, lost all hope of being taken seriously now. My gosh.

I mean, I love animals. For breakfast, lunch, dinner and as furry friends. I was raised by PETA lovers. But this is ridiculous.

Just wait: Pam Anderson is going to wholeheartedly endorse this move. Picture Pam Anderson....

Ah the image is priceless.


Anonymous said...

Boy... you're not kidding. What will they come up with next. Sheesh!

JaredNGarrett said...

Ain't it great? Ha!

Melinda said...

What the...

That is so nasty...

Not that we ever took PETA serious in the first's ridiculous.