Monday, July 21, 2008

Lord Christopher Monckton's paper on global warming is causing some distress...

Here's a link to an article that might just open the discussion again. So many people seem to have decided that An Inconvenient Truth was true because of the title, its popularity and Al Gore's miraculous transformation into a human.

While the truth is really still quite hazy. Using the data that they used in that flick, and establishing a causal link between that data and global warming and climate change, was not a scientific effort. Nope. It was a propaganda effort. And while taking care of our Earth is indeed a moral issue, one with which I agree, I don't like people trying to fool me.

So here's a link to a neat article. Argue lots please, but I like that not everyone on this planet thinks this discussion is over. I also like that we are paying more for gasoline, since we were being way too irresponsible with our vehicles. I think the high prices are going to do wonders for the alternative fuel source industries. I deeply appreciate that car advertisements are making a point of using mpg as a selling point.

I also like that we are finally turning our eyes, as a nation, to developing our own fossil fuels, rather than kowtowing to OPEC. OPEC is seriously an inspiration for countless science fiction or speculative novels wherein corporations have taken the reins of the Earth's government.

Here's the link:

Read it a couple times to get it. It took me three times to fully understand.

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